Sunday, July 27, 2008

Monday Monday Monday

The last 2 Mondays have been the Eugene Women's Crit series. Tomorrow will be the final race. On my birthday. They should let me win based on that alone. ;)

They have been a lot of fun. Kori Kunz from the Poplollies is doing an awesome job of teaching the less experienced girls about bike handling and sprinting and general cycling etiquette. The races have been really laid back and relaxed

I felt great last weekend. Even after I raced the day before for a couple of hours at Mt Hood (which is hard and rugged and hot). Although my placing wasnt as high, I did a lot more work at closing gaps and staying on wheels. My crit racing skills are a bit rusty, since monday will be only the 4th road race I've done this season.

Between mtn biking and finishing up shcool and work, I havent a lot of time for training. So now that I do have some time and some ambition, the season is pretty much over. And the few road races that are coming up I will be doing field work. So bummer, but thats ok, if I can keep my strength through the fall and work on speed for next year, it will be ON.

I like it when Chris takes pictures like this, I like to pretend I'm off the front and about to win.

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